A multiple levels of analysis perspective on resilience book

The origins of developmental research on risk and resilience are briefly. The work takes a life course approach to resilience, examining evidence derived from research across the lifespan. Implications for the developing brain, neural plasticity, and preventive interventions, abstract resilient functioning, the attainment of unexpected competence despite significant adversity, is among the most intriguing and adaptive phenomena of human development. Risk and resilience in development oxford handbooks. At a strategy level, those corporations with diversified holdings weather the storm.

Laudably, the volume includes perspectives that run the gamut of the. A multiple levels ofanalysis perspective on resilience. She does an amazing job of integrating literature from a variety of disciplines and levels of analysis. A multiplelevelsofanalysis perspective on resilience. Instantiating the multiple levels of analysis perspective in a program. Implications for the developing brain, neural plasticity, and preventive interventions. With regard to the determinants of resilience, there was a consensus that the empirical study of this construct needs to be approached from a multiple level of analysis perspective that includes genetic, epigenetic, developmental, demographic, cultural, economic, and social variables. This is the first book to move beyond childhood and adolescence to explore resilience across. Multiple levels of analysis volume 14 issue 3 dante cicchetti, geraldine dawson.

A multiplelevelsofanalysis perspective on resilience should not be mis interpreted as equating resilience with biology. The importance of adopting a multiplelevelsofanalysis perspective for designing and evaluating interventions aimed at fostering resilient outcomes in persons facing significant adversity is. With roots in one branch of ecology and the discovery of multiple basins of attraction in ecosystems in the 19601970s, it inspired social and environmental scientists to challenge the dominant stable equilibrium view. We describe how multiple levels of analysis research has informed our current thinking about. Implications for the developing brain, neural plasticity, and preventive interventions cicchetti, d. There are multiple books out there that take inspiration from being in the united states military and the type of mental toughness and resilience that is required and in turn, how it can be applied to our everyday lives. Resilience, stress, developmental pathways, multiple levels of analysis, neural plasticity, resiliencepromoting interventions. Dante cicchetti, phd, mcknight presidential chair of child. This is by far the best book i have ever read on resilience, and will set the standard for a long time to come. The second world congress on resilience, from person to society, e book. Our approach extends the multiple levels of analysis perspective beyond simple biology. A multilevel developmental psychopathology systems perspective.

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